[TowerTalk] Estimate of guyed tower totals in USA

knormoyle@comcast.net knormoyle at comcast.net
Tue Jul 19 15:39:28 EDT 2005

I did some random looking around, because I was curious.

The "list of masts" entry is nice in wikipedia. Has all the big
guyed masts in the US and elsewhere ...When you have >2000'
towers, all the little ones around might not matter in what
you're trying to analyze....

or maybe better

another related funny page, was this
which captured the heated discussion about just how to edit the list
of masts page. A lot of mast fanatics in the world!

I downloaded the FCC antenna structure registration databases, just
because I was curious about how many records there were..
(find the right link on the right hand side..they're big)

Since the height is included (but not whether
guyed or self supported), you could make a guess that registrations
above a certain height are guyed, and get some guesstimate to 
start with.. The number of registrations seems to be increasing significantly, 
(saw a number from 2001).
I would think someone would have done a histogram of the database.
(as noted, only a subset of towers need registration though)

It is funny thinking about all the rusty tv antennas on guyed 30' masts
I see driving around central california...assuming that counts, they
would seem to dominate by far.

When you step back and think about it, it's hard to think that hams
would be a dominant segment of any analysis (height, number, or maybe
total amount of steel?, or total contribution to the US GNP?, or total bureaucratic
forms filed?)

another odd site found: with sections like "tower site of the week" I suppose
this is for those with a true tower fetish!
archived sites of the week at:

for instance, a closeup of the tower on top of the Pru in Boston, brings
back old memories

it's guyed! so it's on topic! :)


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