[TowerTalk] dumbing down

Gary Schafer garyschafer at comcast.net
Thu Jul 21 10:55:42 EDT 2005

Why shouldn't the requirement for a ham ticket be a minimum of a 4 year 
EE degree?

Gary  K4FMX

WarrenWolff at aol.com wrote:
> Why o'why does learning a few words per minute CW
> cause such a threat?
> This dumbing down of society is going to kill the hobby  as
> well as you can see the effects in society.
> My ninth grade students are plain ole super lazy.   If
> a homework problem has a fraction in it, they just skip  it.
> They are happy if they can get a "D" in my algebra  class.
> I run a bit of a survey at the beginning of the year.   Over the
> past 12 years, I have surveyed 874 high school  students
> in California.   Of these on 310 knew what 8 times 7  was!!
> When it comes to 1/3  +  1/3 = ??; the most common  answer
> is 2/9, next 2/6 not reduced, then 2/3; and last is 1/3.   The
> results are much better in other states.
> Someway, we need to figure out how to maintain  some
> substance to the hobby.  If one is not willing to learn  some
> CW, let them stay away.  I, unfortunately, learned it by  sight
> and could do 3.5 WPM.  Learning wtihout sound inserts  many
> learning plateaus.  I was stuck at 12.6 WPM for 3  months.
> Persistence pays.
> Anyway, Good luck to all; 72 Warren; W5KKW; Extra  Class
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