[TowerTalk] remote stations

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat Jul 23 16:28:23 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Lux" <jimlux at earthlink.net>

> Clearly, this isn't a legal issue.  It's also, I think, a perfectly valid
> area of experimentation for hams to develop remote operation
> techniques.   I have no idea what the various contesting rule bodies think
> about it (well, field day requires everything within 1000 ft, but I don't
> know about the others).
> But, as I said above, it's somehow unsettling.
> What's to stop Mike Tope (W4EF) from leasing a few acres in the Salton 
> Sea,
> setting up a remote 160m base and ruling the band, operating from the
> comfort of his house in Tujunga, hundreds of miles away?

Mrs. Tope!!

> Impressive
> technically, but somehow not in the same class as his adventures going
> there in person, setting up a portable station in the dust and wind.

BTW, in this particular case, remote operation would offer one more
advantage - it would put me hundreds of miles from the rotten egg
smell the permeates the Salton Sea :):)

73 de Mike, W4EF....................... 

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