[TowerTalk] aircraft bearing

K8RI on Tower talk k8ri-tower at charter.net
Sun Jul 31 15:20:52 EDT 2005

> So what would you call a *taper* roller bearing? -- it supports loads in
> two planes.

A wheel bearing?

The original thread is on a gimbaled bearing meant to take side loads, not 
vertical.  The gimbal allows for a change in shaft angle such as in landing 
gear of other parts subject to extreme flexing.  Much smaller versions are 
used in the control linkage to light aircraft control surfaces. They are 
also in the ends of the throttle, mixture, and prop controls.

A block of hard wood soaked in a low viscosity oil, cut in two, bolted back 
together and then drilled for the mast size will make a bearing that will 
last longer than most hams.  However the mast surface should be smooth where 
it fits in the bearing or it'll act like sand paper.  (The oil soaking comes 
*after* the fabrication. <:-))  )

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2

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