[TowerTalk] Antenna Hangover

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Thu Jun 2 15:43:05 EDT 2005

In a message dated 6/2/2005 11:43:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
towertalk-request at contesting.com writes:

From: Richard Zalewski dick.w7zr at gmail.com

>  Has anyone had any experience dealing with an antenna hanging over your 
property line? Can a recordable easement be created for such a situation? 
Who owns that air above your property?

    How much hangover are you going to have? I've had luck with bending the 
offending elements 90 degrees so they hang straight down INSIDE your property 
line. The best method for custom bending them is to fill them with sand and 
then they'll bend without kinking. And the best part is that the DX can't tell 
the difference. 

Steve    K7LXC
Professional tower services for commercial and amateur
Cell: 206-890-4188

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