[TowerTalk] Installing a New Tower - Trylon Titan T200-96'

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 28 14:03:58 EDT 2005

At 08:45 AM 6/28/2005, Kelly Johnson wrote:
>San Jose is like most cities...the building department won't cite you
>for an infraction unless someone complains.  If you put one up w/o a
>permit, then you run the risk that a neighbor WILL complain.  At that
>point, the building inspector has no option but to cite you and tell
>you to take it down.  If nobody complains, you're fine, but these days
>your chances of avoiding a neighbors complaint seem slim.

I heartily concur.  I had 4 freshly assembled 6BTV verticals just leaning 
up against the kid's playhouse in the back yard, not even installed, and it 
was less than a week before the "Notice of Violation" showed up in my 
mailbox. The shiny aluminum attracted attention, and also triggered a 
careful examination of whether the playhouse met the setback requirements.

By the way, it's not your neighbors who are necessarily the problem. In our 
area, most of these sorts of complaints come from real estate agents who 
are concerned about the neighborhood appearance for the houses down the 
street they are trying to sell.  The complaint process is anonymous (or, 
more to the point, the complained against person can't find out who 
complained without going to court and finding out during the discovery 
process), so there's no repercussions for spurious complaining (although 
I'll give the code enforcement folks credit.. they do a fair amount of 

>Anyone out there know how change the laws of physics so that an HF
>yagi on a 12 foot pole works well :-)

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