[TowerTalk] Guy detailing

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Tue Jun 28 18:34:17 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jonklinkhamer at comcast.net
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Guy detailing
> I'm...wondering if there is a inexpensive way of 
> placing the Guy anchors so that I achieve 120 degrees 
> seperation....[M]y terrain is very uneven not to mention its in 
> the middle of the woods.

I had a similar situation.  I made a "ruler" out of a two-foot-long 2 x 4
that spanned two legs of my Rohn tower at eye level.  With a black marker I
made very visible equal divisions or "tick" marks (one-inch spacing is good,
but not necessary) along the ruler, and a BIG distinctive mark at the center
division of the ruler.  I then suspended the ruler in twine slings at eye
level from the two legs and slid the ruler back and forth in the slings
until I had an equal number of tick marks between the center mark and each
of the two legs.  

Once I had the ruler perfectly centered between a pair of legs, I then
backed up from the tower and aligned the third leg with the center tick
mark.  (You may want to make the center tick mark broad enough with your
felt tip pen (about the same width as the tower leg itself) so that you can
actually align and balance the edges of the center mark with the extremities
of the third leg while doing the centering operation.

Now you just need someone with, say, a ten foot mast with a flag or orange
tape on it to move around in the woods -- at the approximate distance you
plan to have the guy anchor from the tower base -- until you have the mast
in line with your eye, the third leg, and the center tick mark.

Repeat the process on the other two faces of the tower and you have your guy
anchors located accurately enough.

Bud, W2RU 

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