[TowerTalk] Help in planning a new QTH

Al Toothaker N6TA at arrl.net
Tue Mar 15 00:32:04 EST 2005

It would be interesting to hear why you were told that the 55' tower and
Yagi/Vees were NOT recommended.  Casual operations over the years with a
tribander and two dipoles at 50' or lower have allowed me to confirm over
320 entities and 5BDXCC.  And it has been fun along the way.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:towertalk-
> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Peter Dougherty (W2IRT)
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 8:15 PM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Help in planning a new QTH
> Hi guys,
> I'm new to the reflector and relatively-new to HF DXing and I'd be very
> grateful for some assistance in the field of choosing the best components,
> planning, etc, for later this year.
> The short version is that for the last 4 years I've lived on the top floor
> of a 3-story building in Queens, NY, and with a LOT of luck from a helpful
> building super and landlord, I've been able to erect two dipoles -- each
> suspended by ropes off vent pipes on the roof of the building. I've had
> modest success with these (3 cards on 80 shy of my 5B DXCC), but with any
> luck, later this year I'll be moving into a new QTH in Norwalk, CT and the
> idea is to create a station that will be as strong as possible on a modest
> sized suburban lot. My goal in all this is not to create a contest super
> station, just something that will hopefully vault me onto the Honor roll
> in
> reasonable time and boost my country count on 80 considerably.
> Since we're in the very early stages of house-hunting I obviously don't
> have property specs or land elevation details, but what I'm trying to get
> a
> sense of is what models of antennae I should be looking at, tower types,
> cost, etc. I intend to run everything from 10-160 (if lot size allows;
> 10-80 if not), and my sole focus is DX, and specifically the ability to
> put
> (and pull) signals to/from Asia. Essentially everything on the map between
> Iran and Hong Kong <grin>. I'd also like to have something that would give
> me a shot at the snaring the ultra-difficult southern Indian Ocean islands
> (i.e. like Kerguelen and Crozet, neither or which I even have a faint hope
> of hearing this time 'round).
> The one rub to all this is whatever I put up has to not freak out an
> otherwise-tolerant XYL. I'd thought a 55 footer with a single SteppIR
> 4-element (plus a VEE or sloper for the low bands) was the best way to go,
> but in chatting with another esteemed list-member, that thought was
> essentially dismissed so I'm back to square one. I don't think a monstrous
> house-plus-sized multi-element yagi will pass XYL-muster, nor will a 75'
> tower...not to mention the crap I'm likely to face from somewhat rich and
> likely locally-powerful neighbours in that part of the world.
> As I said at the outset, I'm pretty green to all of this and what may be
> old-hat to you is brand new to me, so I do beg your indulgence. Thanks in
> advance!
> 73,
> Peter,
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> any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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