[TowerTalk] How can a SteppIR Perform So Well?

W4ZW w4zw at comcast.net
Thu Mar 17 22:56:27 EST 2005


SteppIR has another advantage, at least here oceanfront.  My 3 element
SteppIR has been up almost three years now, direct oceanfront, and works
just like it did when I first put it up.  During that same time, I've had to
R/R both the A4S's and the 402CD.  The ocean simply chews them up.  I
usually have to take the aluminum down about every 24-30 months and clean
them up because the oxidation begins to produce flat SWR's everywhere.  I
usually need to replace the coax as well since it seems that no matter how
well I seal it, this ocean outside finds a way to get inside.  The SteppIR
is sealed from the elements, well built, and works like gangbusters.  My 3
element averages 6-14 seconds to change bands.  Usually 5-6 seconds up or
down one band, 13-14 for 20 to 10 or vice versa.  Another good feature is
the ability to tweak it from my chair since I have interaction with the
steel in my home in certain directions and with either of the A4's or the
402CD in others. It handles my ACOM2000A and my Alpha 87A just fine.  No
need for 5KW ratings since I can't run that much anyway.  I also have the
interface to my FT1000MP so the antenna follows me around the band or bands.
It is great to run CW on the low end and QSY to the high end of 20 and watch
the SWR stay flat.  It takes me 3-4 seconds  to reverse the beam which is
faster than I could turn the others.  I plan on adding a 4 El soon to
replace one of  the A4S's.

I had thought about how to get to 40M with this active idea.  I considered a
system where you traveled the element out to a point where it made contact
with an additional end piece with a capacity hat a la the 402CD.  Think
about adding the 402CD  trap end with capacity hat to the end of the SteppIR
director with a feed line attached to drive it on 40 as a short 40M two
element.  Use the same system for the reflector which then becomes the 40M
reflector when all the way out.  Maybe even make a Moxon out of it by using
end wires that are added when the element is fully extended.  Lightweight,
adds 40M but not as an active tunable array.  

The bottom line for me is ease of use.  I have spent a lot of hours running
up and down  towers adjusting, repairing, and fooling with beams and quads
in the nearly 50 years that I have been a ham.  I love being able to sit in
my chair and adjust it to my hearts content.  

Jon Hamlet, W4ZW

Casey Key Island, FL
"A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico" 

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