[TowerTalk] Ham IV Controller
Robert Pack (NX5M)
nx5m at txcyber.com
Sun Mar 20 22:46:36 EST 2005
1. Disconnect power.
2. Remove the control cable....unless you have enough slack to work on the
3. Remove the top and bottom covers.
4. Slip the lamp and holder off the lamp holder bracket and swing the
bracket clear of the wires leading to the circuit board.
5. Remove the nuts on the meter studs to release the circuit board and slip
the PC board off the studs and pull it down under the chassis.
6. Loosen the meter retaininig clips and remove the meter from the chassis.
7. Insert something like a pen knife between the clear meter cover and black
housing at either corner on the top edge and pry the cover loose from that
corner. Repeat for the other corner. Meter cover should pop off.
8. Slip a pen knife nder each corner of the lower edge of the white meter
scale and twist util the scale clears the two small indexing pins. Remove
the scale, turn it over and reinstall. (Make sure the scale fits over the
indexing pins and that it is flush and tight against the black housing.)
9. Reinstall the meter, PC board and lamp holder/lamp. Make sure no wires
are pinched and then close it up.
Bob NX5M
----- Original Message -----
From: "guy driver" <guydriver at msn.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:11 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Ham IV Controller
> How do I change the dial from "N" center to "S" center and be able to
> through north. Hope that makes sense??
> wr7k
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