[TowerTalk] mounting large antenna question

paul@w8aef.com paul at w8aef.com
Sun May 8 00:08:10 EDT 2005

I like to install my truss support on the boom, near the mast clamp.

This way my trusses are already in place and when the antenna goes on the 
tower I only have to worry about the boom to mast connection.

de Paul, W8AEF

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Stone" <n5pht at simplynet.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 3:53 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] mounting large antenna question

> Hi,
> I am about to assemble and hopefully mount at 80 feet a fairly large
> antenna.  It is the Optibeam 17-4 and weighs 212 lbs.  It has heavy
> duty 3 inch x 3 inch square boom and it is a little less than 40 feet
> long.  The boom has provision for truss but unless I am reading
> something wrong the truss will make a connection on the mast itself -
> not a separate truss support.  This is perhaps common with beams that
> need a boom truss support.  (there is separate truss support for each
> of the three larger elements - 40 meters).

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