[TowerTalk] Rotor

Dan Hearn dhearn at wwnw.net
Thu May 12 12:25:59 EDT 2005

I highly reccomend the M2 OR2800. I have 2, one turning a 57 ft boom 20M6.
It has worm gear drive, needs only 4 cond cable and is built like an
automobile xmsn inside. If you have a problem you will get instant answers
from M2. When one of mine(new) seemed to sound not quite right, they sent
UPS to get it and paid postage both ways. Good people to deal with. 73, Dan,

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Scott Millick
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:54 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Rotor

I have recently lost 2 Yaesu G800-DXA rotors due to a high wind that
snapped them and Yaesu said they could be repaired but the cost would be
too high to make it feasible. What I want to know is who makes a rotor that
has the best breaking system. I have a Mosley PRO67 with some UHF antennas
on top and it turns it fine but a 50mph wind last night took it out. So
some opinions on rotors is solicited. Thanks in advance as may buy one in
Dayton if I come up with some good suggestions

Scott K9SM
'God please save us from the Good People'

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'You can't fix stupid'

'If you don't your know history you are doomed to repeat it'


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