[TowerTalk] Serious RF Problem
Roger K8RI on Tower
k8ri-tower at charter.net
Fri May 13 22:52:47 EDT 2005
Although subject to the usual pin 1 problems and grounding, house trailers
sometimes suffer from a problem with the aluminum siding being unbonded and
Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Hi Guys,
> I'd appreciate your thoughts on a RF problem at my summer QTH: A tribander
> is
> mounted on a self-supporting 50' tower. (no guy wires) The tower is
> mounted
> 3' away from the shack... which is a 64' mobile home. Any power level
> over
> 75 watts usually causes the rig to lock up at full power. (whether on
> 10,15,
> or 20 m.) Various types of grounding have been tried without success. At
> this
> time, the tower is grounded with 8' ground rods and #2 copper wire going
> from the tower to the outside electric main entrance box which is 14'
> away. The
> frame of the mobile home is also grounded to this same common ground.
> (I've
> tried the frame grounded and ungrounded with no difference)
> I am thinking there must be interaction between the antenna and the steel
> frame under the mobile home. The actual length of the steel frame is 61'.
> Of
> course, there are two of these 61' I frames under the house.
> I have had this problem with 3 different HF radios so it isn't a radio
> problem. Of course the rig is grounded to the common ground mentioned
> above.
> (grounding the rig helped a little but not much). Sometimes I need more
> than 75
> watts... so all ideas are appreciated as to how I can crank up the power
> without the rig going into orbit.
> Thanks & 73, Dick- K9OM
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