[TowerTalk] Mini Lini on the Tower?

Ian White GM3SEK g3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon May 16 14:54:50 EDT 2005

Rick Karlquist wrote:
>Yes all sorts of problems disappear, but you won't save any money. On 
>the contrary, you will spend a lot more money on amplifiers. A lot more 
>than you will save on coax, etc.  I thought a lot about schemes like 
>this (using *cheap* amplifiers) and I never arrived at a scenario that 
>made sense.  Also, running arrays with separate amplifiers per antenna 
>specifically is a non-starter if you have any mutual coupling between 
One application where it would work - and even save money - is on 
"airline DXpeditions" where weight can be the deciding factor between 
going QRO or QRP.

Although it looks like a classic pre-Dayton announcement (not much 
performance data, and still months away from shipping) I do hope it 
works out.

73 from Ian GM3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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