[TowerTalk] klm_kt34a to kt34m2 upgrade

Larry Schimelpfenig k7sv at adelphia.net
Tue May 31 19:51:50 EDT 2005

For anyone rebuilding or doing an upgrade to one of the KLM tribanders I 
have one piece of advice. If the plastic caps that slide over the capacitor 
tubes do not have a really snug fig, there's something wrong.

I've commented in the past about problems I had with the rear driven element 
and reflector getting water in the tubes after doing the KT36XA upgrade. 
Last fall I fixed that problem, and I'm pleased to report bassed on 
experiences in the ARRL CW DX and the WPX CW contests, that the KT36XA not 
only rocks on 20 and 10, but now kicks butt on 15 as well.

I experienced a chalk or clay like deposit in the middle of one of the 3/8 
inch linear loading tubes on my KLM 2 el 40 a few years back. I thought it 
was the result of some insect, but really don't know. It was corrosive to 
the aluminum tubing and I had to do a repair job after cleaning it out.

73 de Lar K7SV 

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