[TowerTalk] galvanized ground rods

kd4e kd4e at verizon.net
Tue Nov 1 10:07:29 EST 2005

 > Ron Feutz wrote:
> The electrical supply house where I do most of my business has 8' X 
> 5/8" galvanized guys rods on close-out for $4 each.
> Any comments - I didn't even know such a thing existed.  Less than 
> 1/2 the price of copper plated.

That's what the electrician used here for the house.

I have added 4 copper rods plus three galvanized at
the tower.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
Echoes of Eden Blog: http://bibleseven.com/blog1/blog.html

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West Central Florida

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