[TowerTalk] How much concrete to set a pole? The real post

Bryan Fields Bryan at kb9mci.net
Tue Nov 8 07:10:56 EST 2005

On Monday 07 November 2005 07:52 pm, K7LXC at aol.com wrote:
>     What you need is H-beam and for 16 feet of height you'll need a pretty
> brute size of the stuff.

This is the way it's done with the large grain elevators.  I was servicing 
antennas on one today guyed this way.  this was a 150'  structure with 
multiple heads on it, and it's quite stable, much nicer to work on then a 
tower.  Has 2 large 8'x6' work platforms on it which are very easy to attach 
antennas to.

They use like 6 inch H beams set in concrete with back guying of the post too.  
most are set back at a slight angle too in the direction of the tower.  
One other interesting thing i should point out is these eleators are made out 
sheet steel thats been formed and then galvinized.  The stuff does not look 
all that strong, but I dulled a drill bit after 8 holes in it. 

Bryan Fields, KB9MCI
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