[TowerTalk] ground radials and railroad tracks

Tom Rauch w8ji at contesting.com
Tue Sep 6 10:12:56 EDT 2005

I wouldn't make a connection to the tracks or mess with them
in any way. They don't belong to anyone BUT the RR, no
matter what we might want to think.

Rails are used to complete signal paths of "where the train
is at", the rail continuity is also monitored for breaks.
Aside from not belonging to person who would make the
illegal electrical connection to the rails wouldn't it be a
shame if they thought it messed up signaling, right or
wrong,  and there was a train wreck?

It very clearly isn't the property of anyone owning land
around the rails. I have a pipeline crossing my property on
an easement, and it is exactly like Colonial Pipeline owns
that land. They certainly own their property within that
easement if the pipes are being used or NOT being used.

There is absolutely no significant or probably even a
noticeable electrical advantage at all to connecting to a
pair of rails.  There's a significant liability for messing
with them.

73, Tom W8JI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "k0dan" <k0dan at comcast.net>
To: "Richard W. Harris" <Richard_Harris at byu.edu>;
<towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 12:53 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] ground radials and railroad tracks

> Interesting...I'd sure give it a try, but be aware that
they may still
> indeed have easement rights and if they should roll up on
those tracks, you
> could be liable for any "damage" (???) thight might occur
from you putting
> RF on their property. On the other hand, if they do
operate on those tracks
> keep in mind that there is horrible noise, pulse, and
other crud that is on
> railroad tracks. Surge suppression and good grounding
would be well-advised.
> Good luck & 73
> Dan
> k0dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard W. Harris" <Richard_Harris at byu.edu>
> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 4:34 PM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] ground radials and railroad tracks
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am in the process of putting down 48 radials (approx
40M length each).
> > Some are going to be shorter on one side.  To the west
my property line
> > is about 32-33M away where I have a chain link fence.
On the other side
> > of the fence is an old railroad spur. I actually own the
property but
> > the railroad has an easement.  They have not use the
tracks in about 2-3
> > years so I actually think their easement may have
expired. In any event,
> > I am going to run the radials under the fence for the
last 7-8 meters
> > and have them either on or just under the ground.  My
question is - can
> > I make use of the rail tracks in any way.  If I hooked
my ground radials
> > up to the rail would this help or hurt?  Any other ways
I might make use
> > of this rail?  Curious only.
> >
> > Thanks and 73,
> >
> > Richard - KJ7CU
> >
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