[TowerTalk] Connectors and cable prep tools for Times LMR-400
J. Hector Garcia XE2K
hector at telecom1.net
Wed Sep 7 22:13:00 EDT 2005
to make the things easy:
use the UHF connectors silver plated, this ones take very easy the Solder. N you can use the 2 pieces uhf style connector, both types of connectors you can get in HRO and others places, ebay is another option sometimes expensive other cheap
the LMR 400 is a very easy to handle , i use a lot of that cable in my work and my station.
you only need a very sharp knife a card board knife is the best price option . cut the 3/4 inch jacket- braid-foil-foam , remove all leaving just the center , take care of the center. later remove 1/2 inch of jacket , check for braid in the foam and put the external part of the connector first later the center put with your hand , later use a vise grip tread all until you see the braid in the holes.
very easy task , easier put connectors in LMR400 than 9913 , 213 rg8 the jacket is harder and gives the oportunity to tread with out much movement.
On 07 Sep 2005 15:33 PDT you wrote:
> I'm going to be installing a number of runs of Times LMR 400 coax. I have
> one VHF antenna that needs an N connector and 7 runs for HF antennas that
> I'd prefer to use UHF connectors for (all the HF antennas and shack
> connectors are UHF connectors, and I would prefer not to debate here the
> relative merits of N versus UHF connectors).
> I have had mixed success installing "normal" solder-on Amphenol PL-259 male
> UHF connectors. I don't really enjoy the process, nor am I confident of
> their long-term viability when I install connectors. I have more than a
> dozen connectors to install.
> I'd like to pick the brain of someone who has used some of the newer style
> connectors for Times LMR 400. What do you use for UHF connectors? N
> connectors? Times Microwave offers connectors and I have a copy of RF
> Industry's connector catalog. What do hams really use for LMR 400?
> I see that there are some cable prep tools available that appear to strip
> the coax to the right length for certain specific connectors. Any
> experience to share here?
> Thanks & 73 de Dick, K6KR
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