[TowerTalk] What do You Guys Think

Mike Switzer k8ze at charter.net
Tue Sep 13 07:22:16 EDT 2005

I moved to my present QTH a couple of years ago.  I have erected a tower
that is 50' plus mast(62' total).  One neighbor complained about the
structure, one year later, and I was visited by the township supervisor.  He
informed me that it would have to come down and I would have to apply for a
building permit.  This was based on the familiar "permanent structure over
25 feet" requires a permit. When I confronted him with the argument that it
was no more permanent than the hundreds of TV towers (all over 25 feet) he
reluctantly agreed.  I also gave him a copy of PRB1 and explained that while
it did not specifically describe my structure it would allow something that
was "reasonable".  Everything has been quiet for the past year with only
interest in the hobby expressed by other neighbors.  One guy wants to see if
he can get a license.  To make a long story short I would like to put up
another tower.  My real question is can the argument using the TV towers be
used to defend this or not, if not why not.  I should add I did not get a
building permit for the first one based on the TV tower argument.  Also I am
most likely going to move in 4 or so years.  What would any of you do .. Let
it go and be glad I have what I do or go for it.   Oh I should mention I
live in a very rural setting and am on 3 acres.






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