[TowerTalk] re Weedwacker line

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 13 13:04:29 EDT 2005

Is there something wrong with plain old black dacron?   I'm wondering if 
there's some news about it I haven't heard yet.

This being TowerTalk, and I'm sure most of you guys have towers, and a tower 
means a few thousand bucks invested in antennas at least, I'm sure 20 bucks 
for some dacron isn't gg to kill you.

Weed Wacker may be okay for field day, but for something I hope will stay up 
for awhile (remember ICE, that frozen stuff in the winter?), I'd prefer to 
spend a few bucks and find other things to worry about.


<<<<<I've used carpenter's line (the colored stuff) that
you can get at Lowe's or Home Depot. As I recall you
get 500 some feet for a few bucks. It's gets a little
stiff in 4-5 years but none of it has broken yet. I
use it to  support the ends of wire antennas.

73, Stew K3ND>>>>>

mlux at earthlink.net> wrote:

>At 07:18 PM 9/12/2005, Hal Kennedy wrote:
> >Anyone try weed whacker line for holding up wire
>antennas?  The stuff is
> >tough and cheap - comes in 1,000 ft rolls.  Suspect
>it may not hold up to UV
> >too well however.  I plan to put out a few test
>pieces with mechanical loads
> >on them and see how they fair - unless someone has
>the answer.

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