[TowerTalk] TH7 puzzle

Don Havlicek n8de at thepoint.net
Thu Sep 15 23:27:08 EDT 2005

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the possibility of a balun failure.
If you are using a balun, replace it when you're up the tower.

Steve Lawrence wrote:
> SUMMARY response:
> Puzzle: Intermittent Hi SWR when barefoot and down to QRP levels on a  
> TH7 but only on 20m. Clears when hit with legal limit power and then  
> returning to LP.
> .
> Signal path: rig-amp-pwr meter-ant switch-coax-TH7 (w/BN4000 balun).
> With rig connected directly to a dummy load, SWR is normal but the  
> problem continues to appear when rig is connected directly to the TH7  
> coax.
> Others have had similar experiences narrowed down to the only 20m  
> unique part of the TH7's DEs: the clamp on the element tip and / or  
> the far end of the 15m trap. Cured by tightening.
> Looks like a trip up the tower is called for.
> TKS to: K4SAV, W4EF, N2TK, K1IR, N8CC, WA6TLA, W5AH and anyone else I  
> may have left out.
> 73 - Steve WB6RSE
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