[TowerTalk] Pull rope recommendation

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 19 13:56:44 EDT 2005

At 09:03 AM 9/19/2005, Scott Neader KA9FOX wrote:
>At my new QTH, I buried 4 inch drain tile (the stuff with the bumps & drain
>holes) from the house to the tower.  Two runs of the stuff.  300 ft from
>house to tower.  Mainly for small wires (rotor, relays, etc.) and perhaps
>some future small coax runs.  8 runs of hardline were also placed in the
>trench, as was some direct bury AC (3 runs of 12-2 if I remember
>right).  But I digress...
>Can you recommend a type of rope that can sit in the drain tile without
>disintegrating and also handle the duty of pulling some small coax, rotor
>wires, etc?

The utilities use fairly inexpensive polypropylene rope or twine for pull 
lines around here (southern california).  I don't think it has any special 
treatment.  The smallest diameter I've seen has been probably 1/4" or 
3/8".  You get the stuff in a cardboard box that self spools out the middle.

Has some.. a 5 gallon pail for $30, rated at 230lbs.  That's polyolefin, so 
it might be a bit stretchy.

Typical usage is to use the cheap twine to pull a better rope/tape through 
that you then pull the cable through with.

>Thanks & 73!
>Scott Neader KA9FOX    ka9fox at qth.com
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