[TowerTalk] omega demolition video

Terry Gerdes terry at ab5k.net
Wed Sep 28 14:02:27 EDT 2005

I have some video of a 150 foot Rohn 25 tower that we had to fall a couple 
of weeks ago.  The MPG file is 80 megs and I do not have the bandwidth to 
host it on my server here.  If we can find a place to host it, I'll put it 
up for comments.

73 Terry - AB5K

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Lux" <jimlux at earthlink.net>
To: "Tod - MN" <tod at k0to.us>; <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] omega demolition video

> At 07:19 AM 9/28/2005, Tod - MN wrote:
>>  This clip seems to demonstrate that when towers come down they don't 
>> fall
>>into your neighbor's yard.
> Towers that fail at home generally don't fail by having their bottom
> section dynamited out, either.  They fail under a lateral load.
> Take a look at the photos of the failed KSON tower in San Diego and the
> failed KGO tower in L.A.  Both pretty much laid out in a wiggly line.
> In a demolition situation, it's likely the guy wires are still attached 
> (if
> not with extra tension) to insure that it crumples in to a heap in the 
> middle.
> In a lateral load failure, you either have a guy failure, or a buckle of
> the tower.  In the former, it lays out straight (with some kinks,
> typically, because of the acceleration profile.. it's a classic analysis
> problem.. chimneys, towers, and pencil points all break unevenly for the
> same reason).  If it buckles,then the debris will be limited to the radius
> from the guy, plus a little bit.
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