[TowerTalk] Beam Suggestions

donovanf at starpower.net donovanf at starpower.net
Fri Aug 18 13:24:34 EDT 2006


Please provide some insight into what's important to you in your new antenna system, it will help many of us give you some really useful advice.   For example:

What about 17 and 12 meters?  17 meters is an excellent DX band right now and ideal for low power operation.  In a few more years, 12 meters will also be an excellent DX and low power band.  Do you want a good signal on 17 and 12 meters, or is "dipole" performance good enough for you?

Do you want to participate in contests or chase DXpeditions?

Do you want an antenna that allows you to compete successfully as DXer or contester?

Do you want to be able to work DX every day, or just occasionally when you can get through?

Is waiting in pileups annoying, or are you satisfied to wait your turn?

Do you want to be competitive on 20 meters (the band with the highest population of really good antennas and serious DXers), or are you willing to compromise performance on that band?

Is cost an important factor (if so, whats your rough antenna budget), or are you willing to pay more in the short term for a better long term return on investment?

Lots of annoying questions from a life-long system engineer (at least it seems like I've been one for a life time...)


>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: [TowerTalk] Beam Suggestions
>From: k8jdc at sbcglobal.net
>Date: Thu, August 17, 2006 8:11 pm
>To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
>      I have been doing some research on putting up what will really be 
>my first beam and I'm looking for suggestions.  Due to the possibility that I 
>might be moving in the next year, I'm considering putting a 9-ft Glen Martin 
>roof tower on my current house (roof peak at about 17 feet).  I've been 
>researching smallish beams for this installation, but I don't have 
>experience with any of them and am looking for any inputs from the 
>  This is certainly not an all-inclusive list, but I've done some reading 
>      - Cushcraft MA5B
>      - Force 12 C-3SS
>      - Mosley (Mini-33, TA-33 Jr, MP-33)
>      - Butternut HF5B
>      I've also looked into two larger antennas, the Tennadyne T-6 and a 
>3L Steppir.  (Long story, but I've been hoping to put up a Steppir after a 
>move to a new property, so I considered just getting a Steppir now and not 
>using the minibeam.)  For various reasons, I probably won't pursue the 
>larger antenna in my current situation, but I thought I would at least 
>mention it.
>Thanks in advance for your suggestions/recommendations.
> Dave / K8JDC

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