[TowerTalk] Hoot Owl Follow Up

kd4e kd4e at verizon.net
Wed Aug 23 10:24:02 EDT 2006

> Regarding running a 3V line.....
> What about RFI issues?
> What about properly grounding the 3V line and owl per NEC and National Building Codes?
> What about Lightining protection of the owl - proper grounding methods?
> What about antenna interactions and reradiation because of the presence of long wire?
> Is the owl properly permitted and allowed per your original site permit?
> Is a PE stamp required for the proper engineering of the stand that the owl is located?
> Has the windloading of the owl been properly calculated and included in the tower calculations?
> Do the calculations of the owl wind loading, and the effect on tower loading been properly updated and included in the PE approval of the foundation and tower?
> just a few thoughts to ponder.......:)
> Scott, aka KB0FHP
> What are the ramifications of the owl on neighbors?

Scott, Scott, Scott ... you forgot to ask if the
hoot owl manufacturer provides proper instructions
as to how one orients it to due north.



Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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