[TowerTalk] How is the best way to bend rebar

K8RI on TowerTalk K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sat Aug 26 20:18:25 EDT 2006

I use a plain old fashioned manual pipe bender or EMT for the proper size. 
1/2" rebar bends *relatively* easy even for an old guy like me if you're in 
half way decent shape. OTOH remember to allow for the bend radius when 
making a cage.

Long end flat on the floor (ground, driveway, whatever), place one foot on 
it,  place one foot on the bender, and "PULL".

NOTE: purchase at least one extra piece of rebar as it may take a few 
practice pieces. <:-))

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
www.rogerhalstead.com (Use return address from home page)

> Hi Gang,
> Just finished making one rebar cage and have more to do.  Bending  # 4 
> (half
> inch diameter) rebar is not so easy.  Can I use a torch to heat up the 
> rebar
> so that I can easily bend it or does this cause a problem to the rebar
> strength or make it too brittle?
> Thanks for any and all help.
> 73 de W7SW Scotty  W7SWatARRLdotNET
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