[TowerTalk] Grounding

Phil Camera kb9cry at comcast.net
Tue Aug 29 10:28:41 EDT 2006

How do I know if I have proper ( enough ) grounding.  How can I measure it???   Jerry   WA2KDB

These are two separate questions.
For the first, you have enough when you've installed everything in accordance to NEC as well as recommended by Polyphaser or ICE.

One can measure your resistance to ground using the fall of potential method.  Check out the Biddle or Fluke websites for more info.  But the measurement of low ground resistance does not necessarily mean you have "enough grounding" for proper dissipation of lighthing surge energy.

Does this help?  Thoroughly read all the technical articles on the Polyphaser and ICE websites.

Phil  KB9CRY

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