[TowerTalk] Potential New FCC Tower Construction Threat

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Mon Dec 11 10:16:38 EST 2006

> Also, no differentiation between 1,000' high midwestern TV 
> towers, and  100' high cell towers.  Might be interesting to 
> see if we're getting piles of bird carcases around cell
> towers.

They don't even get "piles of bird carcasses" around 1000' high 
midwestern TV towers.  I spent 15 years around a 1200' TV tower 
- with strobes - us outside Columbus Ohio through he 80's and 
most of the 90's.  That tower was responsible for the death of 
fewer than 2-3 dozen a year.  We would see a couple per month in 
the spring and fall with none in the winter and a rare carcass 
during the summer months. 
For DF&WS's "estimates" to be even in the ballpark, every one of 
the estimated 10,000 towers more that 800 feet tall in the US 
would have to claim 1000 birds a year ... In my opinion that 
number is simply not credible and is probably off by a factor 
of at least 10.


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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