[TowerTalk] Help! Lots of Birds on Tower Problem ! Hammer approach

K8RI on TowerTalk K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sat Dec 23 20:16:43 EST 2006

> It is called a solenoid. Apply 12 volts and it will whack the element.
> Chuck WD4HXG
How about one of those electric powered buzzers? They are about the same as 
a solenoid but are designed to vibrate. Now all you need to do is find a 
resonant point on the boom.

Since a couple pair of hawks moved in I've had no problem with birds on the 
antennas.  One of them came diving through the trees past out bird feeders 
with the little and not so little birds scattering. At the last moment it 
recognized the window, or the reflection looking like another hawk coming 
head on. Those big wings spread full, he went into reverse and just 
"thumped" the window. His wing span was as wide or maybe wider than the one 
window pane. Too bad my big cat wasn't sitting on the window ledge. He may 
dine on birds, but I'll bet that would have him still hiding behind the 
couch. <:-))

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2

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