[TowerTalk] Mating Rohn 45 and 55

RICHARD BOYD ke3q at msn.com
Tue Feb 14 19:59:27 EST 2006

I think I too may recall a section that mated these together.  But, I'll bet it was a bit more expensive, adding another negative to the consideration.  I'm guessing they don't match up without that adapter section, since the legs on 55 are larger diameter.

Besides which, it doesn't sound like a very good idea to me, because you will be reducing the capabilities of your tower versus just staying with 55 all the way.  I mean, if it's partly 55 anyway, you'll get your maximum capability by sticking with 55.  Otherwise, if you're going to have a reduced capability, you might as well go with 45 all the way and save yourself some money, since 55 costs and is worth more.  If you need more 55, buy it used from me, if you're within pickup distance.

73 - Rich, KE3Q

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