[TowerTalk] Foldover at roof level?

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Feb 20 23:49:34 EST 2006

In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:52:06 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
towertalk-request at contesting.com writes:

>  I no longer have this tower as a "tilt over" because we had  a winch lock 
failure when the tower was being cranked vertical.  when  It got up 3/4 of 
the way , the winch brake "released" on its own   allowing the cable to 
unreel unimpeded by friction  and in about 1.2  seconds that whole top 
section "swung"  back to the ground  pulverizing the antenna, breaking the 
welds at the hinges and bent   the counter weight boom section.  Two other 
sections of 25G were bent  and it absoluely "PULVERIZED" the antennas and 

>   Luckily no one was hurt
    Glad to hear that. I have rarely seen a  Rohn fold-over that wasn't 
damaged at some time or other. A winch failure  will do it. A buddy had an antenna 
element catch on a bush as he was cranking  his up. He expected it to just 
pull free; unfortunately it didn't and it  tweaked - and ruined - a fold-over. 
It's a potentially dangerous installation.  

My comment on the proposed roof level  installation is that as long as you 
follow the LXC Prime Directive to "DO what  the man you'll be fine. I think the 
fold-over calls for 4-way guying at  the first set. Are you going to do that 
or are you depending on the  housebracket to take the forces? That's a 
potentially fatal installation since  it wouldn't take too much to exceed the 
housebracket capacity - even if you  use something other than the Rohn version. I'll 
retract my remark if you get  an engineer to calc and design everything. 
    Other than that, knock yourself out. 
Steve    K7LXC


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