[TowerTalk] Triex Crankup

Scott Neader KA9FOX ka9fox at qth.com
Fri Jan 6 09:57:47 EST 2006

At 05:59 AM 1/6/2006 -0700, Ken wrote:
>Is anyone familiar with an older Triex model that has 4 sections, looks like
>it cranks down to about 12 feet and up to about 50 feet?  The owner said it
>was a T652, but I can't find any information on that model tower.  I do have
>a picture I can e-mail if you think you can help me ID the tower.  I am
>trying to determine what antenna I could put on the tower if I bought it.
>Thanks, Ken, N0VZ

HI Ken.  You might try to contact Karl at Tashjian Towers.  Per their web 
site, he worked at Tri-Ex for 15 years (1985-2000) before starting Tashjian 
Towers. Web site is http://www.tashtowers.com.  Maybe he has some info for you.

73 - Scott KA9FOX

Scott Neader KA9FOX    ka9fox at qth.com
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