K6XN k6xn at comcast.net
Fri Jan 13 17:47:49 EST 2006


In the last storm one of the four  one inch diameter 27 inch long anchor
bolts holding my MARB base for  my self supporting (unguyed) US Tower MA 550
snapped just below the leveling nut. I have lowered the tower and braced it
with a 6 x 6 and a hydraulic jack opposite the snapped bolt. The remaining
leveling nuts can not currently be turned. The tower has been in place for
approximately 12 years. The concrete base is approximately 3 feet by 3 feet
by 6 feet deep and steel reinforced in accordance with US Tower
recommendations for the MARB 550 base and the MA-550 self supporting tubular

Does anyone know of any contractors I can contact in California (preferably
in the bay area) for advice and help who specialize in tower work?

Can I simply take the tower and antennas down, remove the MARB support base,
cut off the remaining three anchor bolts, have four new 27 inch holes
drilled in the concrete and then have four new 1 inch diameter by 27 inch
long new anchor bolts epoxied in........or do I need to hire a couple of
guys with jack hammers to take out the 2 ½ cubic yards +/- of steel
reinforced concrete and start over?????? ARRGGHHH!


Thanks in advance for your advice and recommendations. Please don't hesitate
to respond to me directly at k6xn at comcast.net

Thanks, Ted, K6XN  

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