[TowerTalk] 30m

Greenacres113@aol.com Greenacres113 at aol.com
Mon Jan 30 14:44:30 EST 2006

in west Tn 30m is usually good to eu/afr after 3 pm cst. band  folds a bit 
after sunset if WWV nr.s are poor. 
some days just after sunset band peaks south towards KC4 &  VP8
this past weekend on 1 29 wrd VK6DXI @2247z,FH/G3TXF @2258z  and 6O0n @2317z
some mornings the eu.s are coming thru FB via longpath along  with Oceania
in the previous week wrkd 5H1c,CE0z & 7X0RY between 2300z  & 0100z
just a homemade 1/4 wave vertical & IC 746

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