[TowerTalk] 30 Meter Propagation

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Mon Jan 30 17:58:15 EST 2006

Lee Buller wrote:
>   I've been fooling around with 30 meters and found that the band seems to fold around 7 to 8 pm in the plains states.  I have a dipole up and can work most anywhere when the band is in.  I have not been following the MUF, but is the band not being worked by people or is the MUF so low that the band folds?

We're a year away from the sunspot minimum for this solar cycle.  My 
east coast 80-meter traffic net between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. suffers from 
severe long skip problems most evenings, telling me the MUF is not far 
above 80 meters.  A lot of times, when I check 40 during or after the 
net, it's totally dead, so I'm sure 30 is dead even more nights than 40 is.

I've been toying with putting up an antenna for 30; right now I just use 
the 40-meter dipole that slopes away from my Rohn 45 tower.  (I thought 
I'd throw that last comment in, to relate this post to tower topics....)

Bud, W2RU

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