[TowerTalk] Grounding base slab and pier tower bases

Joe - WDØM WD0M at centurytel.net
Mon Jul 3 11:55:03 EDT 2006

I had no choice but to go with a Ufer ground and 
the "copper ring" around the tower base, due to 
my tower being locate on bedrock.  You can see how I did it at:


Click on Ham Radio, then Lightning Protection.

Not a bad idea about bentonite.  Besides kitty 
litter, what other source is there?

73 and Happy Independence Day!


At 09:41 AM 7/3/2006, JC Smith wrote:
>Jim, Nick, and All,
>Thanks again for the advice.  Good point, I will flatten and ss bolt all
>ground pipe connections
 no solder.
>Obviously the tower is grounded to the slab by the bottom section being
>encased in it so I will just be creating parallel paths to ground.  How
>about installing a Ufer ground down at the bottom of the foundation (in the
>9x9 pad) AND installing the “ring” of copper pipe all around the outside of
>the pier when we backfill (with bentonite added
 it’s cheap)?
>It’s probably overkill, especially considering that my present tower is not
>grounded other than by the base bolts, but it’s cheap and easy to do at this
>point so why not?  While I’m at it I think I’ll add another ground rod for
>the shack.  It has two now but one of them is approaching 20 years of age.
>Unfortunately, no more tower progress until after the holiday.  I had to
>spend yesterday (and today) working on a house we are selling.
>I hope you all have a great Independence Day holiday!
>73 ­ JC, K0HPS

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