[TowerTalk] Stainless Steel mast

Hector Garcia XE2K j_hector_garcia at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 7 12:00:04 EDT 2006

excelent mast, you will need a very good clamps just
to attach the antenas .
Heavy possible  , but  Expensive and dificult to get
is the main reason to don't use it.

ON4UN use those mast in his towers, you can check in
the ON4UN Low Band DXing  Book
those are BIG Mast

--- "Allen R. Brier" <britech at earthlink.net> wrote:

> Are there any pro's / con's in using a stainless
> steel mast? Other than the
> weight (con) and the fact that I can get it cheap
> (pro) I would like to hear
> from others.
> 73,
> Allen Ross Brier, N5XZ 
> 1515 Windloch Lane
> Richmond, Texas 77469-2553
> (281) 342-1590
> (281) 342-0940 (FAX)
> (713) 705-4801 (Cell)
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Hector Garcia XE2K / XF1K
Mexicali B.C  DM22fp


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