[TowerTalk] New Tower Installation

Dave dave.n7drk at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 14 15:16:48 EDT 2006

A Northeast Washington Howdy to all.

I am new to this list and towers. At long last I have
the room to put up a Titan 72 foot self-supporting
tower. Not sure at this point what antenna I will use
but a SteppIR is high on the list.

I am a bit overwhelmed at the volume of information
here so please bear with me while I ask and learn.

I plan on doing most of the installation: digging the
hole per mfg specs, fabrication of the rebar cage,
erection of the first section, and "stick" building
the rest. I know there are some on this list who have
done this and I am a good listener and could use all
the help/pointers I can get. Some initial questions I

1 - Do I somehow bond the rebar cage together and
bring a wire out of the concrete block?

2 - Do I likewise bond the three embedded tower legs

3 - Should I install a ground rod into the soil at the
bottom of the base before pouring the concrete?

4 - Any other suggestions do's/don'ts at this point?

Cheers, Dave - N7DRK

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