[TowerTalk] Ground windows

DGB dwibos at netnet.net
Tue Jul 25 08:04:37 EDT 2006

I am installing a un-guyed crank-up tilt-over tower located about six 
feet away from the front of my garage. I will have a 180 degree field of 
copper straps and ground rods and attached to the bottom of the tower 
whic has the ufer ground. My shack is at the other end 72 ft. away.

At the top I will have a couple of beams and a rotor. I intend on 
installing polyphaser coax and rotor protection devices at the bottom of 
the tower to ground. I'm trying to decide whether to route the coax thru 
the garage directly to the or around the garage buried on pvc. If I 
orute it around the garage thru the pvc and connect them to a ground 
window into the shack                      , and then route the cables 
thru pvc to the other end of garage, either inside or outside, 70 ft. 
away, which is where the shack is, do I also have to have the same 
devices at that end?

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