[TowerTalk] How to ground a tower system?

ersmar at comcast.net ersmar at comcast.net
Fri Jun 9 20:32:06 EDT 2006


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Rob @ Peg Pohorence" <mcyman at yahoo.com>
> I just installed a Universal free standing aluminum tower. 
>   I was told by  a local Ham , that I should put in at least 3 8ft ground rods 
> about 3 ft from the tower bottom .
>   If I do that the wires will come off at a right angle, from the tower bottom 
> to the grounding rods, is that acceptable?

No.  That wire should curve gently toward the ground rod beneath the surface.  Clamp the wire up higher on the tower leg so you can bend it into a curve of a couple feet radius.

Also, if you have grass around the base of the tower, you might want to run these ground wires into the ground through a short piece of garden hose.  Make it long enough so that it starts a few inches below the surface, and so it protects the wire for the first foot or so out of the ground.  That way your lawn mower isn't as likely to nick the wires when (not IF) you run into them.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

>   The reason I ask the question is because, Lighting usually travels in a 
> straight path !
>   Any comments would be appreciated.
>   rob 
>                   Sincerely, Rob, Peggy , and Maggie Sue Papillion  
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