[TowerTalk] MW antenna in Bordeaux

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Fri Jun 23 08:55:00 EDT 2006

At the base one can see the feed, some open wire line.
I can´t see the far end of the slant-wire so don´t
know what´s at that end.


Jim Jarvis wrote:

> Jan's link, http://perso.orange.fr/tvignaud/galerie/am/33bordeaux.htm ,
> appears to be the antenna Eric saw.  The buildings look like what I saw
> in his pics, and on Google Earth.  
> F8BPN identifies it as France Info, on 1206KHz.  
> The function of the slanting multiple wire (wire coax?) off the side
> is still a mystery.  There didn't seem to be an ATU at the base, nor
> did it appear that it was connected to the tower at the top.  
> Great fun...and too bad Eric's not still in Bordeaux.  He missed out on
> several dinner invitations!
> n2ea

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