[TowerTalk] new AN-Wireless tower, floundaion question

William Q Meeker wqmeeker at iastate.edu
Fri Jun 30 11:42:08 EDT 2006



I put up and HD-70 with a pad and pillar foundation last year. I had 
the foundation done by the same firm that did the concrete for our 
new house. They dug the 9x9x5 hole then built the rebar cage to 
specs, and then built forms for the pillar. The next day, it was all 
done in one pour (the concrete people asked if it could be done in 
two pours, but I recall phoning Dan Simmonds and he recommended it be 
done in one). Pictures are at


The first person I talked to suggested that the difference in cost 
between the pad and pillar and the 9x9x5 block would be small with 
the tradeoff between building the forms versus the extra concrete. 
The foreman for the crew who actually did the work told me, however, 
that the pad and pilliar option was more expensive because labor cost 
more than concrete for that project. But my wife liked the smaller 
footprint of the  pad and pillar.

Good luck!



>Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 06:42:39 -0700
>From: "JC Smith" <jc-smith at comcast.net>
>Subject: [TowerTalk] new AN-Wireless tower, floundaion question
>To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
>Message-ID: <00f601c69c4b$0e875bf0$6400a8c0 at hpzd7000>
>Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
>Hello All,
>As mentioned previously I am stick-building (like a giant erector set) a new
>AN-Wireless HD-80.  I will be posting photos at:
>if anyone cares to watch it go up and the antenna stack go on it.  We just
>started digging the foundation yesterday.  It's a pad and pier foundation
>(like an inverted tee) with a 9'x9'x1.5' pad and a 5'x5'x3.5' pier.
>Has anyone on here ever dug one of these by digging the 5'x5' hole first and
>then undercutting the bottom to create the pad?  If so, I'd sure appreciate
>hearing how you did the digging for the undercut.  We got the 5'x5' hole no
>problem but our experiments (so far) with the undercutting haven't been very
>successful.  We are in clay soil, fortunately with no rocks.  If things
>don't go better today we will probably dig out the entire 9'x9' hole, pour
>the pad, form the pier and backfill around it.
>Suggestions appreciated.
>73 - JC, K0HPS

William Q. Meeker
Department of Statistics
304C Snedecor Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: 515-294-5336
Fax: 515-294-4040
Home Fax: 515-232-1323

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