[TowerTalk] RE : SteppIr's are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
on4kj at skynet.be
Thu May 11 15:39:23 EDT 2006
Hello All,
What a small world......
Some of you know the Belgian Nationall Air PORT " ZAVENTHEM ", well its the
same situation, only the neighboors are Politician, and the Cesnas are
Boeing, Airbus and Tupolev etc etc.....they dont like the noise above their
Just to tell you all how stupid and egoist human beings can be.......Dont
ask me what will hapen when lots of US dolars Euros or other value appear
on the scene...No further comment.
Jos on4kj
-----Message d'origine-----
De : towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] De la part de Alan NV8A
Envoyé : jeudi 11 mai 2006 13:05
À : towertalk reflector
Cc : Jeff Stai
Objet : Re: [TowerTalk] SteppIr's are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
On 05/11/06 02:32 am Jeff Stai wrote:
> At 10:14 PM 5/10/2006, Michael Tope wrote:
>> I think people who have nothing better to do than to stand around
>> their yards and grouse about their neighbor's ham antenna are a
>> nuisance. If they want to do that, they should move to the country
>> where nobody else will have to listen to them :):)
> please no - then they'll complain about the cows! (trust me, they
> will!) - 73 - j
Not far from here is a township-owned airport catering to small aircraft
(Cessnas, ultra-lights, etc.). It's been there for over 50 years, so
very few (i any) of the surrounding property owners were there when the
airport was established. IOW, they bought or built knowing that the
airport was next door, but many are complaining now and wanting the
airport shut down.
Alan NV8A
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