[TowerTalk] Website Alarms the Public about ANTENNAS

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Thu May 18 10:12:39 EDT 2006

> Just hate to see people try to profit on and create new fears in an
> uninformed public to the detriment of the hobby.

Has anyone communicated with the site owner?

Perhaps he/she could be invited to a Club meeting
or to visit an EOC and be educated about the value
and safety of antennas.

Perhaps the site owner does not know about the
recent FCC regs re. transmitting antenna safety?

It may turn out that with some gentle education
the site owner could be turned to promoting Ham
antennas and towers as important to public safety
during emergencies.

So many people are mis-educated by anti-everything
refugees from the 60's in schools and colleges that
they live in ignorance-bred fear and paranoia.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e  http://bibleseven.com
Ham Links: http://bibleseven.com/hl.html

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