[TowerTalk] Honda HF antennas

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at verizon.net
Wed May 24 21:52:03 EDT 2006

Terry wrote:

Why is this on TowerTalk? 73 de Terry KK6T

To which, I reply,  Why is Timmie's recitation about
the contest dinner and super suite here?  Give me a 
freaking break!

The answer is...this was Warren's antenna question.
Antennas... more appropriate than pizza and prizes,
imho, even if they aren't on towers.  Which, I might
add, the pizza and prizes weren't, either.  

And, thanks to N6RI for very specific feedback on my
question.  Reiterated what I thought I knew, and added
significantly to it.  Honda is very sparse in what it says
about RFI, and the comments are completely directed to consumer
sound systems.  

I will admit that the topic could as well be on the RFI reflector,
but for the need for antenna feedback.   I was hoping to hear from
advocates of the mini-screwdriver.


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