[TowerTalk] Painting Rohn 45

David Vondrasek n5ito at davidv.net
Tue May 30 11:00:37 EDT 2006

Rust Bullet is a Moisture Cured Urithaine and works well, I use to be the US
Distributor for it till I decided to switch products after a year. Political
issues. It's the same base product as POR-15 and both will work fine., I
have painted several towers with both products. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: W3YY [mailto:w3yy at cox.net] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:08 PM
> To: N2TK, Tony; Towertalk (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Painting Rohn 45
> Tony -
> I applied Rust Bullet here a couple of years ago to my 120ft 
> Rohn 45G tower. 
> So far it seems to be doing the job and it looks like a good 
> product.  If 
> you do the job on the tower, purchase some of  those full 
> coverage painting 
> coveralls sold at Home Depot.  It's almost impossible to do 
> the job on the 
> tower without getting some or lots on yourself and climbing 
> belt (if you 
> have a good used climbing belt, this is a great time to use it).
> I've found it best to use a paint glove or sponge to apply 
> it.  Much quicker 
> than a brush, but you do tend to get it all over yourself.  
> The need to 
> apply a second coat in 24-48hr (can't remember exactly the 
> window) is a 
> pain, but it's to cover any pinholes that might appear after 
> the first coat.
> 73, Bob - W3YY
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "N2TK, Tony" <tony.kaz at verizon.net>
> To: "Towertalk (E-mail)" <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:54 AM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Painting Rohn 45
> >I have a Rohn 45 tower that is about 25 years old. It is 
> starting to show
> > some rust coloring. It is not flaking or scaling, just a 
> rust color on 
> > some
> > of the tower. I'm looking at what is available for 
> "renewing" the tower. I
> > really don't want to take down the tower and have it 
> re-galvanized at this
> > point, although that would most likely be the best thing to 
> do. Since 
> > there
> > is no scaling and the rust coloration is on about 20% of the tower, 
> > figured
> > some kind of "paint" would be okay. The questions is which "paint"?
> > Looking for input on this.
> > What I have looked at so far is Rust Bullet, POR-15, Brite Zinc, 
> > Rust-oleum,
> > Wasser and CRC.
> > Rust Bullet seems to make some pretty strong claims about 
> not having to 
> > sand
> > off the rust before applying two coats of their product.
> > Any input of Rust Bullet and any of these and any other 
> products that are
> > recommended?
> > I'll be tilting over the tower in August to change 
> antennas. Thought it
> > would be a good time to strip the tower and paint it.
> > Tnx for any feedback.
> > N2TK, Tony
> >
> >
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