[TowerTalk] Tower/Interior Cabling Hardware.....

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 22 12:06:05 EST 2006


We are de-mothballing the Jamesburg Earth Station.  (Near Monterey CA)

Gonna put  the  steerable 30 meter dish into Moonbounce service soon.  The 
20,000 square foot AT&T ground station central office has been dismantled, 
most racks and eqt have been removed, and there remains a HUGE amount; PILES 
of the interior cabling hangars and hardware.
Probably 10 pickup truck loads of beautiful large diameter, clean threaded 
rod, nuts, bolts,  unistrut, heavy steel brackets, mounts, wire trays  (like 
ladders if mounted vertical) etc etc... also tons of flourescent overhead 
lighting fixtures

What you would see inside a typical cell site, building, but 20,000 sq ft 
Or http://www.jamesburgstation.net

http://www.longandflatsociety.com/   Click on Galleries; Jamesburg

For a slideshow through the Earth Station
Somewhere in the slide show is a glimpse of the hardware in steel shelving..

The threaded rod, some 3/4",1" dia, and nuts, bolts, brackets,  alone weigh 
probably a ton.  The owner wants to sell and have this hauled away...Bring 
probably a Semi Trailer and a heavy flat bladed shovel, sturdy boxes, and a 
strong back...

I will try to get pictures.  If interested, email  me.

73, DX, de Pat AA6EG aa6eg at hotmail.com;
Skype: Sparky599

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