[TowerTalk] Interesting URL

Robert Chudek - KØRC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Oct 4 19:11:51 EDT 2006


I checked my QTH and I'm not there!!! :-)  The aerial scan used for my area is over 15 years old. But it's interesting to see what the property looked like prior to being developed.

I use Google Earth. Their satellite images are more up to date and the controls allow you to "fly" along a route. If you haven't see Google Earth, check it out.  http://earth.google.com/  The MSN site is another Microsoft "Me Too" entry into world mapping.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 05:27:23 +0000
From: ersmar at comcast.net
Subject: [TowerTalk] Interesting URL
To: towertalk at contesting.com
<100420060527.23669.4523463B000AC74600005C7522064246139D0E039C9D0A at comcast.net>


      I found this URL http://local.live.com  on this evening's ARRL Contest Rate Sheet.  If you plug in my address (below) you'll see an initial aerial view of my house, including the Trylon tower, Bencher Skyhawk and D40 dipole antennas.  My shack window is on the ground floor to the right of the back of the house.  The large oak tree to the right of the house is the anchor for my erstwhile inverted L antenna.

      Other views, invoked by clicking on the compass icon, even show the large concrete base for the tower.  

     Cool - but scary that such views are available.  

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F
16900 Governors Way
Rockville, MD  20853

 P.S  The pushpin showing my house's location on the map is actually in the middle of the street in front of my house.  

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