[TowerTalk] Tower in the woods

K8RI on TowerTalk K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Wed Oct 11 02:04:21 EDT 2006

There's been some good advise in here, but I'd add that not all things 
dangerous may be obvious.

Of course when it comes to pruning, using heavier guys, and just making 
things stronger we reach a point of rapidly diminishing returns.  When it 
comes to trimming tree limbs.  I'd trim back far enough so should the tree 
tip over from the base (rarely happens) and then add another 10 feet.  I say 
that as just a couple years ago we had some straight line winds that were 
probably the result of a microburst. One of the Maple trees in the front 
yard was bent over at an unbelievable angle. The wind quite suddenly, the 
tree snapped upright and one of the major limbs (about a foot in diameter) 
broke off right where it joined the trunk.  It threw that 600 to 800# limb 
between 20 and 30 feet UP-WIND toward the house. We could feel the impact 
through the floor when it hit the ground.

My system is guyed, but only about 10' from the corner of the house and the 
top of the tower is a good 30feet above most of the trees. The top antennas 
are another 30 feet higher.  It may be a wooded area but those antennas show 
up from a long way off.

As for guys getting in the way, you only need elevate the anchor point 4 or 
5 feet and then back guy that. Put a fence/rose trellis around that and it's 
effectively hid.

Good Luck,

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
www.rogerhalstead.com (Use return address from home page)

> Sorry for this slightly weird first post, but I have
> an XYL that is decidedly "tower unfriendly" and has
> told me that I can put one up as long as she doesn't
> see it, which basically means she doesn't want it
> strapped to the house and would really prefer to not
> trip over guy wires while strolling in our yard.  I
> respect that, and luckily, I have a 4 acre plot, so
> I'm thinking I can make this work.  My question is to
> any of you who have successfully erected "stealth
> towers" in the woods... how much clearance did you
> give yourself from the trees?  how much from the
> guys... etc? any thoughts and words of wisdom?
> Obviously clearing the forest out with a chainsaw is
> not really a good option either.
> I realize this question can only solicit opinions and
> recommendations, not hard and fast answers, but I'm
> just seeking advice.
> I'll be putting up 60 feet of Rohn 25G with a 3
> element steppir wich I have already aquired....
> Thanks for any advice,
> Doug AA1UI
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